Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Decklist: Rebellious Daughters

Here is my new and updated Daughters of Cacophony deck, using anarch tech to power the votes. A fabulous post by SingingVTES helped narrow down the card options, along with discussions with G1 and Stephen. This deck is still very raw, and having NEVER played anarchs before, I could certainly need a lot of fine-tuning.

Hopefully I would be able to scavenge from fellow players all the necessary cards to get a workable deck by Saturday's game.

The basic gist of the deck:
Bring out either Angela, Yseult or Gael who can be made baron; followed by calling votes. Madrigal and Rant! form a fearsome combination, allowing each DoC to gain 2 votes (on top of the 2 from Madrigal). Voter Captivation to replenish blood loss from Virtuosa. Secondary ousting would be with Camera Phone/Codex and Virtuosa. Shattering Crescendo to hunt down annoying stealth bleeders or rushers.

Delivery method would be Missing Voice and Virtuosa. Combat would involve Target Vitals + Catatonic Fear ( trick learnt from Salubri's Anesthetic Touch) with Diversion for damage prevention and Groundfighting for maneuver short and getting out of IG.  

Possible changes
Do I need to double up on Fee Stakes? 5 Freak Drives are the smallest number I've ever used. Small Master list seems underpowered. Virtuosa is powerful, but need Voter Cap to recharge (however there's a severe lack of card space). Are there enough ousting cards?

Crypt: (12)
3x Anarch Convert(G*)
2x Angela Preston(G2)
2x Gaël Pilet(G2)
2x Yseult(G3)
1x Céleste, The Voice of a Secret(G2)
1x Delilah Monroe(G2)
1x Muse(G2)

Library: (90)
Master: (14)
3x Conductor
2x Bastille Opera House
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Hospital Food
1x Libertas
1x Poacher's Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
1x Seattle Committee
1x Smear Campaign
1x Twilight Camp

Action: (9)
6x Shattering Crescendo
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth

Action Modifier: (25)
6x Rant!
6x The Missing Voice
5x Freak Drive
4x Virtuosa
4x Voter Captivation

Action Modifier/Reaction: (6)
6x Madrigal

Combat: (18)
6x Catatonic Fear
6x Diversion
3x Groundfighting
3x Target Vitals

Equipment: (3)
2x Camera Phone
1x Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers

Political Action: (15)
5x Lily Prelude
2x Benefit Performance
2x Firebrand
2x Patsy
2x Reckless Agitation
2x Revolutionary Council