Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Decklist: Rebellious Daughters

Here is my new and updated Daughters of Cacophony deck, using anarch tech to power the votes. A fabulous post by SingingVTES helped narrow down the card options, along with discussions with G1 and Stephen. This deck is still very raw, and having NEVER played anarchs before, I could certainly need a lot of fine-tuning.

Hopefully I would be able to scavenge from fellow players all the necessary cards to get a workable deck by Saturday's game.

The basic gist of the deck:
Bring out either Angela, Yseult or Gael who can be made baron; followed by calling votes. Madrigal and Rant! form a fearsome combination, allowing each DoC to gain 2 votes (on top of the 2 from Madrigal). Voter Captivation to replenish blood loss from Virtuosa. Secondary ousting would be with Camera Phone/Codex and Virtuosa. Shattering Crescendo to hunt down annoying stealth bleeders or rushers.

Delivery method would be Missing Voice and Virtuosa. Combat would involve Target Vitals + Catatonic Fear ( trick learnt from Salubri's Anesthetic Touch) with Diversion for damage prevention and Groundfighting for maneuver short and getting out of IG.  

Possible changes
Do I need to double up on Fee Stakes? 5 Freak Drives are the smallest number I've ever used. Small Master list seems underpowered. Virtuosa is powerful, but need Voter Cap to recharge (however there's a severe lack of card space). Are there enough ousting cards?

Crypt: (12)
3x Anarch Convert(G*)
2x Angela Preston(G2)
2x Gaël Pilet(G2)
2x Yseult(G3)
1x Céleste, The Voice of a Secret(G2)
1x Delilah Monroe(G2)
1x Muse(G2)

Library: (90)
Master: (14)
3x Conductor
2x Bastille Opera House
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Hospital Food
1x Libertas
1x Poacher's Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
1x Seattle Committee
1x Smear Campaign
1x Twilight Camp

Action: (9)
6x Shattering Crescendo
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth

Action Modifier: (25)
6x Rant!
6x The Missing Voice
5x Freak Drive
4x Virtuosa
4x Voter Captivation

Action Modifier/Reaction: (6)
6x Madrigal

Combat: (18)
6x Catatonic Fear
6x Diversion
3x Groundfighting
3x Target Vitals

Equipment: (3)
2x Camera Phone
1x Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers

Political Action: (15)
5x Lily Prelude
2x Benefit Performance
2x Firebrand
2x Patsy
2x Reckless Agitation
2x Revolutionary Council

1 comment:

  1. I think this deck is probably trying to do too many things. Daughters have good vote tech without going anarch, so the anarch angle will have to be efficient to be worthy of inclusion.

    The tried and true method for Daughters vote decks is breed/boon. Get a bunch of embraces, con boon, then overrun your preys. Without having a bounce discipline, daughters need serious pool gain to keep up.

    Can the Fee Stakes help your deck? Sure. I doubt that much other anarch tech will add to what you can already do, however. With that in mind, drop anarch railroad, the museum, revolutionary counsel, patsy, 1x firebrand(it could be a good corner-case card), diversion, libertas, poachers HG, Twilight Camp, Rant!, powerbase LA, Hospital Food, groundfighting and definitely smear campaign. The converts, fee stakes, 1x Seattle Committee and 1 firebrand can stay because they don't require much space, any pool, and help the deck a good deal.

    I also don't think 6x Shattering Crescendos are really needed and they would be better as ~3x Mind Numb. Where's Paris Opera House? it's like the Anarch Railroad, but you just have to be a DoC. Now you have 24 card slots to mess with.

    I think that Lily Prelude just plain beats Reckless Agitation. It's usable in the end game, only costs 1, and can net you a pool at MEL. Madrigal + any good vote card is way better than Benefit Performance. Throw in a cryptic Rider or two just in case you only sometimes have the push you need. How about a handful of embraces? There's also a location that you can tap as an undirected action is announced to get 1 stealth that might be worth it, or just more blood gain on your daughters. Catatonic Fear + Target Vitals is good, maybe go with 8/6 or so. Majesty would be more efficient for multi-acting, but only for the minions with PRE. Add con boon! Like 8 of em. How about some Entrancement and Enchant Kindred? Dual use tech is the name of the game.

    Good luck! When do you come back to the US?
